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12 Apr, 2013 | Category: Welcome | Author: Wise Decisions Management

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This is the official website for Wise Decisions Business Solutions, created to uplift and strenghten the dynamics of your welfare. Firstly, we have created this website to service you better, thus if you grow stronger, then we'll grow stronger together - Gurshon Matroos.

We feel extremely happy in welcoming you and your business to our community website. Hope you will have an amazing time with all of us.

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All about us

12 Apr, 2013 | Category: Our purpose | Author: Wise Decisions Management

What we stand for. Wise Decisions Business Solutions, has been serving in the surrounding areas of Cape Town since 2010. We take pride in knowing we are affiliated with the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA) and registered as a SARS Tax Practitioner that will be available to meet your tax, payroll and accounting needs.

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Who we serve. Our clients range from small to mid-size businesses and service professionals, start-up and new businesses, to corporations/companies, individuals and families. At Wise Decisions Business Solutions, we look beyond the numbers to understand, listen effectively and provide advice and direction unique to each client.

Integrity - Adherence to moral principles; honesty
Quality - A high degree of excellence provided from staff
Transparency - The quality of being clear and transparent

We have an unwavering ethical belief that our clients come first.  We strive to provide our clients a high degree of excellence and knowledge in a timely manner.  We stand behind our work with the reliability you should expect from an upcoming Accountants firm.

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What do we provide?

12 Apr, 2013 | Category: Our services | Author: Wise Decisions Management

Wise Decisions Business Solutions resides in the Northern suburbs of Cape Town, South Africa.

Our goal is to streamline the business processes and ensure that an entity remains compliant with the applicable laws and regulations, which is governed by the Companies Act, etc. professional services.

We will aim to simplify your business and we offer professional services like; Example right-aligned image

• Bookkeeping (daily/monthly/annually)
• Management Reports
• Annual Financial Statements

• Calculation/Review/Preparation of Payslips/IRP5's
• Completion/Submission/Review of PAYE/SDL/UIF returns (EMP201)

• Calculation of Taxation Liability
• Completion/Submission of Income Tax Returns
• Completion/Submission/Review of VAT Returns (VAT201)
• Completion/Submission of Provisional Tax Returns
• Registrations for Income Tax/Provisional Tax/VAT/PAYE/SDL/UIF
• Handling Assessments, Objections, Queries and Payments

Statutory Services
• Accounting Officer of Close Corporations
• Registration of New Companies
• Company Name Reservations/Amendments
• Submitting Annual Returns for Close Corporations & Companies
• Registration to Workers' Compensation Fund

Any other services you might require rendered to Individuals, Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, Trusts, Close Corporations or Companies.

Therefore, we strive to be the driving force behind the business owner to ensure the all the paperwork is managed by WDBS, whereby you will manage your business more effective and efficient.

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Pastel Authorised Value Added Reseller

13 Apr, 2013 | Category: Software | Author: Wise Decisions Management

“Wise Decisions Business Solutions is a Pastel Accounting Channel Partner and a distributor of Pastel products”. Wise Shopping.

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Sage Pastel's range of accounting and value-added business software products are suitable for all types of small, medium and larger size businesses. Pastel Accounting software is used by over 160 000 companies in South Africa and 50 countries across the globe. Recommended by 9 out of 10 accountants, Pastel has been a trusted name in software since 1989.

The Softline Pastel product range provides flexible and feature-rich accounting and business management software solutions. From small, single user start-up operations right through to larger entities with multiple companies and several hundred concurrent users, Softline Pastel has the right-sized solution for your business. In addition, the accounting software range includes a number of add-on modules addressing the specific requirements of businesses in vertical industries.

Although Pastel offers additional products, we primarily focus on the following Softline Pastel Software products. Please feel free to contact us about these or any other product not listed here.

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Latest News and Daily Motivations

14 Apr, 2013 | Category: Newsbreak | Author: Wise Decisions Management

As Wikipedia states that "news is the communication of selected information on current events which is presented by print, broadcast, Internet, or word of mouth to a third-party or mass audience."

We will feature the latest news from South Africa, World, Business, Politics, Entertainment and Lifestyle. Our information will be from local newsfeeds, South African Revenue Services, CIPC and other sources.

We will keep you connected to the latest newsbreak!

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14 Apr, 2013 | Category: Classifieds | Author: Wise Decisions Management

We will soon venture into an online classified section and also give local and upcoming business and opportunity to list their details for free. If you are planning on selling or buying a house, cars, electronics, furniture, etc. then be sure to follow the hyperlink below that will take you directly to the classifieds page.

Post a free ad now!

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IT Hardware

14 Apr, 2013 | Category: Hardware | Author: Wise Decisions Management

If you are planning to purchase IT infrastructure in the near future for your business expansion, then please contact us to request on competitive prices on point of sale, servers, networking, storage and backup devices, computers, laptops, printers, etc. Email us at "shopping".

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We will beat any genuine price or offer you may have received so if you don't find the prices you are looking for give us a call on 021 836 5820 or 079 268 2040.

The Wise Decisions Shop has all the latest releases at great on-line prices. Buy now or get in touch for more details.

Offered a better price?

Hope you made the best decision ever!

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Branding, Marketing and Networking

10 Jun, 2010 | Category: Sample | Author: Andreas

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We will feature some hints that will set the image for your business brand and networking tools. After all, we are entrepreneurs that should set the benchmark as role models for others too follow. Business Tools.

Brand is the most valuable asset of any business entity and others should be able to distinctly distinguish your company image from others businesses. The importance to gain knowledge and understanding on not only business-startups i.e. registration and compliance, but also how to keep the wheel turning in respect of business continuity.

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Our map directions

12 Apr, 2013 | Category: Location | Author: Wise Decisions Management

Please find the directions to our offices in Kuils River Industria, Cape Town, which is in the Central Business District area, or email us.

Physical Address: 11 Industrie Street Kuils River Industria 7580
Postal Address: P.O. Box 836 Kuils River 7579

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Landline: 021 836 5820
Fax: 086 551 8673
Email: Wise Decisions
After hours please contact Gurshon on 079 268 2040

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Note: For more information on how to advertise on this website, then simply contact us via email at information or via telephony on +27 21 836 5820.

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